Tuesday, April 3, 2012


My new vintage pot and me have a new love: Pukka Tea. Ayurveda inspired organic herbs made to finest products for a healthy living following ethnic values and a sustainable concept proven by organic and fair-traded certificates. The creators of the Pukka world are two ambitious British guys, who are the modern authentic embodiment of their philosophy, raising Ayurveda onto a lifestyle level.

Discover the philosophy and whole range on pukkaherbs.com.

Personally I like the appealing packaging of their teas and natural, delicious taste with a feel-good effect. As the winner at London´s prestigious Great Taste Award, Pukka Herbs convinced their consumers and could also built up a great reputation as a sucecssful brand in the industry.
Currently my favorite blend is "harmonise", relaxing pleasure every morning and after my yoga classes...

Available in Austria in selective health stores, including:
Die Kräuterdrogerie - Kochgasse 34, 1080 Wien
YogaKula Studio - Bösendorferstrasse 9, 1010 Wien

Monday, April 2, 2012


Every spring seasons its the time for new fragrance sport editions. Including the french global player working hard on trying to embody their image of man.

Just released the new Dior Homme Sport Commercial featuring once again Jude Law. For me it seems to be more a last minute production, playing with french lifestyle clichè, classical unexciting, the soundtrack a total misfit in my ears. Sorry, I didn´t get it. Anyway advertising is simply, it works or doesn´t.

Like or loath?

Par contraste, the Chanel´s latest edition of Allure Homme Sport Eau Extrême. Stunning.